Friday, December 31, 2010

Who Makes Fake Id In Windsor Ontario

Olučići / Rum Roll almond croissants


Red je da se oprostim od ove godine receptom za kolač koji My mom often saved for the holidays. Before I decided to make Olučiće, I looked about what is on the Internet - and there is nothing. I'm sure this recipe is, however, probably under a different name. If anyone recognizes it, let him say what is the alternative name.

Olučići the old-fashioned, sweet cake in the wake of the French beans . Šniticu eat a lot of you. The right thing for the holidays after a strong lunch when you want to sweeten a little, but you do not have "seats" for the whole piece of cake or pie. It is important to literally hold the measures that already have some kind of experience to make such cakes (try it and if not, There is always a factor beginners luck). This is artisanal cake quite demanding and requires a skilled hand. I've now made independently for the first time and blew a matter of course, but in the end I managed to save what could be saved. I will be back on that story later, here's how things should look "by the book":

  • 200 g sugar 50 ml water
  • 3 bars of chocolate
  • 200 g ground nuts
  • tablespoons dark rum 1 egg yolk

  • 2 large or 3 small boiled egg yolks
  • 100 g icing sugar 1 vanilla
  • sugar 100 g butter

Špinujte sugar with water until it boils, and a few more minutes to thicken slightly. Remove syrup from heat, and in it, while still hot, stir in chocolate, nuts and rum. Wait to cool down a bit, and finally add one egg yolk and stir everything well.

olucici 4

Switch weight in the bag for the freezer and it is well rastanjite rolling pin in the shape of a rectangle. Put the cold to get a little hardened. During this time, prepare a yellow custard. Strain through a strainer boiled egg yolk. Prosejte icing sugar, vanilla sugar and mix well with all the softened butter.

carefully on both sides cut open the bag containing the brown coat and open. Brush with a yellow filling over brown "crust", so the longer side of the rectangle is 1 cm of space without filling. With the help of bags, as if making rolls, carefully fold Salamice and transfer it to a piece of transparent films that have been cut. It is well tighten further in foil and shape if a little deformed. Leave in refrigerator for at least two hours.

olucici 5

Cut and eat it immediately - olučići I can not Cvar at room temperature, as the living yolk in a brown part, which the yellow butter-cream, which melts away and leaking.

What I changed: In fact, I did not want anything to change, circumstances have forced me. :) First I realized that I do not have enough nuts in the house and I'll have to add a little industrial ground hazelnuts. It has been somewhat problematic: first, the real olučići have a dominant flavor of nuts and should not use any other nuts in this recipe. But well, I have a computer, not the end of the world, I can not because to give up making. However, because of this we are olučići dropped out čupavi. In contrast to this we can see in the picture, brown coat should be equally smooth and yellow.

olucici 2

a disaster has occurred with rum. It is important to use good quality, aromatic rum. I've had some inexpensive that just smelled of alcohol. When I tried a bit of brown mass after the addition of rum, I realized that he felt just flavoring trace, so I added more. It did not take. Mass is irreversibly razredila, and then I had to add more of those vražjih hazelnut that I could mold roll.

Rum is an essential ingredient in the cake: Use a quality or alcohol, or buy aroma of rum and place one tablespoon of real rum flavor, add one teaspoon.

Judgement: The combination of rum and nuts provide a rich, opulentan flavor, a butter-cream provides a grease which transmits and enhances flavor. In this sense, the final impression is on the trail of some alcoholic chocolate pralines without overflowing. Strong, elegant, striking.

olucici 3

Rum Roll

This is actually my mum's recipe, a dessert she makes often in winter, especially for the holidays. It's not easy to make, you'll need to have some skill and experience in making rolled desserts, or you can count on beginner's luck and go for it anyway.

Brown layer:
  • 200 g sugar
  • 50 ml water
  • 50 g baker's chocolate
  • 200 g finely ground walnuts
  • 1 egg yolk

Yellow layer:
  • 2 larger or 3 smaller boiled egg yolks
  • 100 g icing sugar
  • 1 sachet vanilla sugar
  • 100 g butter

Bring water mixed with sugar to the boil and cook for a few minutes, until it turns into a light syrup. Take off the stove and stir in the chocolate and walnuts. Leave to cool off a little, but while still warm, add rum and egg yolk. Stir well. Put in a freezer bag, roll out with a rolling pin to get a rectangular shape and leave to cool off completely.

In the meantime, prepare the yellow layer. Puree the boiled, cool egg yolks through a sieve. Beat with icing sugar, vanilla sugar, and softened butter until smooth. Cut the freezer bag from both sides and open it. Spread the yellow filling on top of the brown, leaving about 1 cm along the longer side of the rectangular uncovered. Using the plastic bag, carefully lift and roll along the longer side of the rectangular until you get a nice-looking roll. Wrap it in plastic foil and leave in fridge for at least two hours. Cut in thin slices and eat while still cold and firm (do not let the cake lounge around at room temperature, or the yellow buttercream will ooze).

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Skin Repair For Burn Victims

/ Vanillekipferl

vanillekipferl 1hf

Last year my friend Sonja Vanillekipferl made for Christmas. This cookie is the most traditional German Plätzchen, almost all of it real and love, and it is a miracle that I lived the (by then) nine years in this country, and that I have not tried. And when I tried ... I was so thrilled that I brought with me a recipe with me to Belgrade, and it rules relatives there and they all fainted. It is interesting that almost every one of them tried these rolls before, but that is rarely made and that can be said that the poluzaboravljene, and thus was more enthusiastic.

Christmas came again, and I remember everything, and resolve that this year they definitely make, and healthy start to annoy you this is not your grandma's recipe from notebooks and you can not look it "oblogujem. Looking for the following corresponding recipe, in the oldest part of the notebook the other day I find this:

vanillekipferl rukopis

You can not imagine my happiness when I realized that the recipe is almost the same as Sonja and are, in fact - Vanillekipferl! I immediately rolled up his sleeves and umesila them. Turned out to be the divine and I have to mark them as an extra recommendation gem from grandma's notebook for which I had no idea that there is, and turned out beyond all expectations. In this respect, I introduce the category of "Hall of Fame" for recipes that deserves extraordinary praise - I retrograde sash awarded just Koh lemon and Reform cake.

To be clear: Vanillekipferl the "Überkeks, by far the best I've ever made in this genre. Yes, better even than the famous vanilica to delight our bloggers community. Remember how the Una loved and vanilla and gingerbread? Well, when I served these rolls, ate suddenly and violently protested the five when I pulled her bowl the hand (yes, yes, evil mother, I wanted only to prevent subsequent laments that "pain tiba").

vanillekipferl 4

ready, away we go ...

  • 200 g butter
  • 70 g sugar 1 egg
  • 150 g ground almonds
  • 280 g flour
  • 5 sachets vanilla sugar
  • as much icing sugar

foam is umut butter and sugar, add egg, and when all is well united, almonds. Then gradually add the flour until the not interfere nice crisp batter. The dough is left in the fridge for an hour - two to solidify a bit, and from him the right hand rolls (my method: break off a little dough ball between your hands forming a diameter of 2 cm, and is also among the palms add layers of small stones and then bend down to is a half-moon) and sorted on a baking sheet placed bakpapirom.

fired at 170 degrees petnestak minutes, until slightly does not change color, but should not be darkened (see photo).

vanillekipferl 3

mixed the vanilla sugar with powder sugar, preferably in a plastic box with a lid. In it lay still hot rolls, and the box cover and carefully turn it upside down. This sugar evenly on all the rolls, you do not have to be rolling one by one. When he finally turned to the other side, open up until the rolls have cooled down completely.

What have I changed? I added an egg (the original recipe does not provide it) because I was scared that I would be without it rolls too crisp and brittle. Because the egg, I added and 50 g almonds more, but I added to flour. This scale is great and I would not changed them right back. In addition, I used blanched almonds, as the recipe requires, but Sonja's Vanillekipferl were made from ground neljuštenih almonds and equally delicious.

Judgement: A little difficult for me to explain exactly why these rolls (or horns) just so special. Perhaps due to a discrete flavors - Almond is mild, but it feels just vanilla. Since there is no jam, honey, nuts or some other dominant flavors, it is important to put a large amount of vanilla sugar and the taste and smell of vanilla dominate. This is enough to be interesting biscuits. However, beware that folks are not sBug List as soon as you leave the kitchen. I suggest that you keep them locked up!

vanillekipferl 2


An undying classic of the German Plätzchen tradition, Vanillekipferl are extremely popular in this part of the world, and not without reason. It is the finest, most delicate home-made biscuit I've ever tasted. Imagine my joy when I found a Vanillekipferl recipe in my grandmother's notebook! And a bloody good one it is too - so pull up your sleeves and get baking, you won't regret it. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most sensational recipes I've tested so far and it deserves an extra special recommendation. I've experienced this kind of joy only with the Lemon Soufflé recipe last summer and the famous Reform Torte so they will be included in the Zaboravljene Poslastice Hall of Fame (an institution I've just established).

You'll need
  • 200 g butter
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g ground almonds (the recipe says bleached, but they don't have to be)
  • 280 g flour
  • 5 sachets vanilla sugar
  • the same amount of icing sugar

Mix softened butter with sugar. Add the egg, mix some more, add the almonds. Keep gradually adding the flour until you get a nice dough that doesn't stick too much. Leave in fridge for at least an hour (preferably two). Shape little half-moons with your hands and put them on a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper. Bake at 170 degrees C until they start changing colour (still, they shouldn't be too dark - see photo).

Mix the icing and vanilla sugar in a plastic Tupperware box with a lid. Put your warm Vanillekipferl in it, close the lid and turn the box upside-down. The Kipferl will tumble and get coated in sugar mixture from all sides. Turn it back, open and leave to cool off completely. Remember to have some while they're still warm, you'll be pleasantly surprised. And that's the understatement of the year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How To Become A Floor For Nba

Semi-pathetic conspiracy theories

We are all familiar with the events in America 11th September when the two planes knocked the twin towers known as the World Trade Center.

This event has brought America to war against "terrorism" (only they needed oil). They started to chase Al-Qaeda who the cat and mouse since then (from the days so far as to say my idolka) there are various conspiracy theories that Barak Obama is actually bin Laden and other nonsense from fools who gained popularity.

Naletevši to this theory, which I set out I could not stay indifferent.

The situation is as follows

1) New York City has 11 letters.

2) Afghanistan has 11 letters.

3) Ramsin Yuseb (The terrorist who threatened to destroy the Twin Towers in 1993) has 11 letters

4) George W Bush has 11 letters.

Do not get me immediately pomsili ordinary people to do it all not true, there are additional facts

1) New York is the eleventh state USA.

2) The first plane crashing against the Twin Towers was flight number 11

3) Flight 11 was carrying 92 passengers. 9 + 2 = 11 (and this they managed to rig)

4) Flight 77 which also hit Twin Towers, was carrying 65 people 6 + 5 = 11

5) The tragedy was on 11th September (9 / 11) 9 +1 +1 = 11

6) Date of tragedy (9 / 11) is equal to the U.S. emergency number

Services (911). 9 + 1 + 1 = 11

Coincidence? This is one option ONLY DRAGONS AHEAD.

1) total number of victims inside all the hijacked planes was 254 2 + 5 + 4 = 11

2) September 11 was 254 day of the year. Again 2 +5 +4 = 11

3) The Madrid bombing took place on 3/11/2004. 1 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 11

4) The tragedy of Madrid happened 911 days after the attack on the Twin Towers

still do not believe me? (If you survived an area just for you or dragons then this will shock you and make you scream with laughter)

Try this:

Open Notepad and create a following:

1) Key Q33 NY.-This is the flight of the first plane crashing against the Twin Towers.

2) black out them and increase the font to 48

3) Change the font letters on WINGDINGS.

Here comes a little to have fun if you're interested in further to the truth as I alone will have little to go to

extremely interesting conspiracy theory but unfortunately I have intelgienciju greater than the pavement.

Milena Miljkovic 1337

Friday, December 24, 2010

Mount Or Burn Image From Torremt

Medenjaci / Rustic Honey Cookies

medenjaci 3

Another recipe from the notebook of my grandmother, who suffered a lot of significant changes. It seems that in our family, everyone has a recipe for gingerbread. My mother's recipe I tried last winter and they were excellent, very soft. Grandma's recipe is totally different - do not foresee any fat in biscuits - and I have a formed on the basis of her, counting on us in the holiday season is not necessarily something more bold. However, do not be fooled by the thought that the biscuit "dietetic" - what you lose in fat, supersedes the povećoj amount of sugar and honey.

medenjaci rukopis

Grandma's recipe is:
  • 18 tablespoons of sugar
  • 8 tablespoons honey 2 eggs
  • 4 and dl wheat flour
  • tablespoons baking soda
  • tablespoon cinnamon

am not exactly the clearest of these were 4 and per deciliter of flour. In grandma's recipes are, otherwise, appear strange measures. For example, 2 din yeast. I assume that this "din" refers to the amount of the price of the item, which tells us that in the pre-war Yugoslavia currency was so strong that the amount of money expressed in recipes. Thirty grams of fresh yeast is always a cost of two dinars. Imagine if you went to the grocery store today and asked for sugar for four and a half dinars. Or for forty-five, anyway. It could eventually be the basis for a humorous sketch in the new year's program. The only thing she can hear that you're going to pour gasoline for two thousand, and if you have the money.

medenjaci 6

In any case, 4 and dl of flour is equivalent to 450 g of flour, although it should be about. More or less I had to guess the amount of flour, much like the recipe for vanilice. But then it occurred to me that this unique amount of flour to replace one-third white, one third of wheat whole-wheat flour and ground hazelnuts third. So I got a very full, rustic flavor biscuits. In addition, I replaced the baking soda baking powder because I did not have at hand. This one tablespoon of cinnamon I also turned in a mixture of spices, sugar and a little cut on the whole, look like my recipe:

medenjaci 4

  • 10 tablespoons sugar
  • 8 tablespoons honey 2 eggs
  • 150 g white wheat
  • flour 150 g wheat flour integral
  • 100 g ground hazelnuts
  • 1 sachet baking powder
  • 1 pack of mixed spices (cinnamon, anise, cardamom, allspice)
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • icing sugar and water fondant

First umut sugar with whole eggs, and you add the honey and all unite together and be a creamy foam. Then gradually add flour and nuts until the consistency test does not exceed the cream in a doughy, ie. be strong enough to be nice to be rolled out rolling pin. Mold forms are removed, sorted on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake for about ten minutes at 180 ° C.

medenjaci 2

When removed, can now be eaten hot, and these are, in my opinion, the best. I would however suggest that the cold coating fondant because it gives a mixture of strong spices slightly bitter taste and is needed that extra sugar to balance. Fondan is made by the icing sugar with water umut be the consistency of honey and thus the coating biscuits, so leave them to dry.

What have I changed? What I have not changed, and certainly I would again if this rule is that the gingerbread dough razvaljivala rolling pin would be a little thicker. About 8 mm, for example. The thinner the dough gives a harder cookie, gingerbread and even though no oil, never been so hard to break.

Verdict: Highly aromatic, winter biscuit, the perfect fit in a Christmas atmosphere. The combination of winter spices, honey and hazelnut is the right decision - given the old-fashioned gingerbread flavor and agree with the wonderful tea with rum or lemon. And once you start, you can not stop, so mind you, since you are the soft, vazdušastog test seems to eat something light. After all, Unin enthusiasm is enough recommendation for all who follow my writing know how the child is squeamish.

all readers of the blog you are tonight celebrating Christmas Eve Merry Christmas I want the most beautiful Christmas song of all time ...

Ustic Honey Cookies

Merry Christmas everyone! And here is my present to you – a very Christmassy honey cookie that will spice up your holidays and add to the winter atmosphere (isn't it snowing just about everywhere at this moment?) I found the recipe in my grandmother's notebook, but I modified it considerably, so that now I'm close to calling it my own. It's a fat-free biscuit, but do not be fooled – the amount of sugar and honey compensates for the calorie loss on the fat side. Here it goes:

  • 10 Tbsp sugar
  • 8 Tbsp honey
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 g white wheat flour
  • 150 g wholemeal wheat flour
  • 100 g ground hazelnuts
  • 1 sachet baking powder
  • 1 sachet winter spice mix (cinnamon, star anise, allspice, cardamom)
  • 1 Ts cinnamon
  • Icing sugar and water for the icing

Mix sugar and eggs until frothy, adding honey. Mix flour with baking powder and hazelnuts and add to the egg mixture. Add the spices and mix well. If your dough is too soft or creamy, add some more flour and roll it out with a rolling pin. It should be c. 8 mm thick. Bake on a sheet of baking paper for ten minutes at 180° C. You can eat them straight away (as our lovely model demonstrates on the photographs) or wait till they cool and cover them with sugar icing. For the icing, mix powder sugar with water to get a honey-like consistency and spread on top of the cookies.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Littlest Pet Shop Golden Chinese Ox

Dear Santa Claus! Wikileaks

Author: dimpoart
Last year was really a car and we also caught my more subtle hints . Under the tree, the miracle occurred a number of issues, including the department, Mr. better half (although not quite as we were ignored, so the ideal men, but at least I think it is), the solutions unpleasant for my najdražjejše (various apartments, diplomas and services) and the like. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the ultimate cool (that would be more clever to this conclusion after your name, and I only FDV's).

but I learned with you is not kidding. I am a bit pokomentirala Rene and observations, the death did. Therefore, at this point emphasize that Helga awesome and thank you and do anything bad. Not at all. OK?

So, what I sekirala this year?

  • more time for all the shit that I weave in his head: I thinking about how to go about doing so. extend the day to 32 hours otherwise sounds fine, but too expensive ablast would surely find a way to workday stretched to about 16, and we go again. I have therefore a better idea. Bash on one # cevapimeetu (geekov meeting to estavelles čevapčičev and, erm, interactions) wisely noted that if our universe is already burdened with the atrocities, zvanim Monday, the humanity deserves at least posobotek . Day between Saturday and Sunday, which of course is a public holiday. Will it go? Waiting for publication in the Official Journal.
  • Please elimination grozilcev , težilcev and polenopodnogemetalcev this world, and their transformation into something more humane and decent existence. Suppose garden furniture. To become a white plastic chair with slots in the backrest to be comprehensive personal progress for the majority said.
  • For staff nerves of steel (to carry me, and perhaps even some instances in the previous paragraph), for Friends teleportacijske devices in the form of watches (the only way we managed to get on some beer), for the better half of Mr exams in college in the form of RPG's (average had suddenly leaped to maljon) for parents automatic zgražalnik over potomko (suddenly have a lot of time) for my geek from all categories of pure (natural) dvajsetice in life and DND-ROM (what is already a difference between the two?) for cat lady soft, freshly washed hair sweaters for leaks, the dog Mr. firecrackers as little as possible.
  • pony also. It can be quite bitsy.
Above all, dear Santa, I hope Santa brings you something nice. He is not through fair competition.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ontario What Does T Stand For On Licence Plate

Išleri / Ischler Plätzchen


not you liked vanilice? Despise fat? Biscuit is a cookie without chocolate toppings? This is a recipe for you!

Vanilice in our house a big success. This is the first cake that Una actually eat, not only oliže sugar and postpone the side. While there were, I was regularly asked her a few afternoons throwing vanilica in her bowl. Since this is all so well, and since I did not have another job yesterday afternoon, I decided to have fun making išleri, as it is a very similar to biscuit making in which she can help.


Išleri should look like vanilice sugar and the chocolate. In this sense, should be round. However, I decided to kill the monotony a little and takes out the test itself in the form of stars. Or what Una said, zevzdice. But that's not all: the dough was significantly different, the only thing that is just exactly the same is apricot jam which filuju.

The original recipe reads:

  • 140 g flour
  • 140 g butter
  • 70 g ground hazelnuts or walnut
  • 70 g sugar
  • apricot jam
  • 100 g dark chocolate and a little oil


of the above ingredients to obtain a small amount of mixture, which is sufficient to satisfy the need for išleri. We get forty pieces (though my stellate mold was very small; circles turn out less). If you want to enjoy them for weeks, as in vanilica, double the amount.

procedure is the same as for vanilice: dough intervention, rolled out the rolling pin, removed mold and bake at bakpapiru in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about five minutes. Then a nice jam and the top layer of biscuits dipped in melted chocolate.

chocolate sauce is saved by on very low heat melt the chocolate in the pan, and eventually interfere with her two tablespoons of oil. Or if you can buy over chocolate sauce, ready to melt (so-called couverture), then you do not need oil.


wait to jam a little dry cakes that are beautiful and capture every isler the bottom layer upside down and dip it in chocolate. A little shake and leave to cool and dry. Be sure to burn your fingers without chocolate.

What I changed: First, the dough I made an egg and consequently increased the amount of flour for about seventy grams. In fact it should increase the amount of ground hazelnuts, then išleri were aromatic, but never mind. I was scared that I would crumble if the dough does not put the egg, so I took that logic can not do much to blow this thing even if it is not necessary and so it turned out.

to re-right, instead of chocolate I would take half and half dark chocolate 70% cocoa and chocolate cooking. When they put the only dark chocolate, that taste would cover everyone else and only dark chocolate is too neutral.

Judgement: While they were still quite fresh - a fantasy. Today we are a little lean, which is typical of biscuits with butter. But still very tasty. And not that nice ... Nevertheless, she is olizala chocolate and postponed to the side.


Ischler Plätzchen

Here's a Christmas classic of the middle-European cuisine, Ischler biscuits. They are somewhat similar to Vanilice, the recipe I published last, but there's a lot of difference in details. I shaped them as little stars, but traditionally they're round. A cup of warm tea and some Ischler biscuits is all you need to make Christmas taste and feel like Christmas. Enjoy!

  • 140 g butter
  • 140 g flour
  • 70 g ground hazelnuts
  • 70 g sugar
  • apricot jam
  • 100 g baker's chocolate
  • a little cooking oil

Knead a dough from the first four ingredients. I added an egg and thus, some more flour because I didn't want to risk ending up with crumbly biscuits, but the original recipe says no egg. You decide. Just like Vanilice, bake for 5 minutes at 180-200 degrees C. "Glue" with apricot jam and wait till the cookies cool off. Melt the chocolate and add about two tablespoonfuls of oil to make your couverture glossy. Dip the lower half of the biscuit in chocolate, shake off and leave to cool. Be careful not to burn your fingers!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How To Fry Sirloin Boneless Thin



I know, I was not terribly long, in Belgrade, I had neither the time nor the will to cookies, and it would be useful to be removed by Kilca .. . However, here's the Christmas atmosphere in Germany, all decorated, all happy, the square is the Weihnachtsmarkt, eat the Plätzchen.

Maybe some of you do not know what they Plätzchen? It is a small cake, usually cookies, which are made, pay to eat during December. Cookies should be more durable, to make them able to be enjoyed for weeks, and that something left over for the neighbors, colleagues and friends. In this sense, the biscuits are most suitable, mainly those winter, with flavors of cinnamon, vanilla, coriander, anise, cloves, or a mixture of all these spices. So my heart dropped to introduce this local vanilice livelier - as our biscuits, our long can you survive in a jar or box, em something I have much, much love.

course, not any. Most hate it when someone ljepne some sugar with a hint of fruit that is so thick it can be clearly seen as a filling on the cake between the two biscuits, but it has absolutely no flavor other than sweetness and then why all the effort. I ask nicely, vanilice exclusively with local apricot jam. Yes, what my mother sing praises to him in any recipe in which they appear apricot.

addition, vanilice must be monthly with grease. If there is no fat, then it is not vanilice than išleri without chocolate. At the snap, cookies should be soft and melts in your mouth. Pastry with butter is always crisp, however much "Sit" and the language is sharp and mrvičavo. Do not be afraid of fat: twice a year if put in a cake that's just not the right one without it, you will forever destroy the blood cholesterol level. You had better lower your passion for roast pork, mayonnaise and other winter vices for the sake of vanilice more.


recipe is pristine, a hundred times tried and tested. Since it is a family secret, this blog post will be deleted 30 seconds after you read it. Until then - who wrote, wrote:)

  • 250
  • g fat 250 g sugar 4 eggs
  • 250 g ground walnuts flour
  • apricot jam
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 4 pack of vanilla sugar or a pomegranate vanilla


Vanilice are rolling in icing sugar vanilla flavored. If using vanilla sugar for this purpose, Mix it with powdered sugar just before rolling biscuits. If you use a bar of vanilla, rasecite is lengthwise, core scratch and cut the rod in three pieces, so to put the icing sugar and leave at least overnight.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Beat the softened fat at room temperature with sugar. Add the whole eggs. Then all unite with ground walnuts.

Now, the tricky part: the recipe requires to be added to flour "as the dough absorbs. Despite the best will, I can not give an exact measure because a lot depends on, say, the size of eggs. I advise you to start prosejete about 500 g of flour type 500 (or 550). Gradually add the flour in a mass MUTEC mixer with spiral additions to the dough. Then remove the concrete domes and the dough by hand until it ceases to be beautiful, but is still soft. Add the flour as needed until you reach the consistency as from the image.


Sprinkle work surface with flour and stretch out the dough to be about 3 mm thick. Small round cutter to remove the radio boxes redajte them in a shallow pan coated bakpapirom. Bake no longer than 5 minutes (enough to just slightly browned), remove, and while they're hot, you paste a small amount for the second jam of apricot (must not leak from the side). Then each vanilice roll in icing sugar and store in a box of cookies. As with the other test with grease, and vanilla it takes 24 hours to soften, so try to resist them and eat them the next day.

What I changed (also the Judgement ): None. Vanilice the classic, perfect just as they are, and one of the few cakes in which saving creativity have no place. Well, you can cut them into heart-shaped flowers, Jelčića, ladybug, but whatever mold you have. Round but somehow beautiful. Or am I doing this?


Vanilice / vah'nilitse /

Vanilice are a traditional Balkan winter cookie, often served as "sweet appetizer" on slavas and Christmas festivities. They play a terrific double role as German "Plätzchen" and were met with high acclaim wherever I made them. It's another classic childhood recipe and a popular favourite that is not forgotten, in spite of one of its main ingredients - oldfashioned pork lard.

And be careful: do not try to make this cookie with butter instead - butter makes the dough crisp and crumbly, while lard will give it the required softness 24 hours after you made them.

You will need:

- 250 g ground walnuts

- 250 g lard

- 250 g sugar

- 4 eggs

- flour (c. 500 g, but prepare more)

- apricot jam

- 200 g icing sugar

- vanilla sugar or vanilla pod

Mix lard at room temperature with sugar. Add eggs, and in the end, walnuts. Switch to dough kneaders on your mixer and start adding flour gradually. The recipe states that so much flour should be added "as the dough will soak up", which means a compact mass that doesn't stick to your fingers but is soft nevertheless. Depending on the size of the eggs, this is about 500 g of flour, but be prepared to add some more until the dough looks like mine, pictured above (finish kneading by hand).

Mix icing sugar with vanilla sugar or cut and deseed the vanilla pod and add it to the icing sugar. We used vanilla sugar when I was little because vanilla pods were unavailable and expensive, but go for the real thing if you can get hold of it.

Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees. Line a shallow baking tray with greaseproof paper. Roll out your dough on a surface dusted with flour so it doesn't stick. The dough should be about 3 mm thick. Take a smallish round form and cut out circles which you should arrange on the tray (no need to space them, they will hardly change during baking) and bake for about 5 minutes, just until they start changing colour.

Glue two discs with apricot jam and roll them in vanilla icing sugar. Keep in a cookie jar for everyone to enjoy, they will hold for weeks.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Top 10 Camcorders 2011 Under $300

Cablegate for Dummies:) Dear

If you ignore the last days of the Internet and / or moved under a rock, maybe you do not know it's happening on the project are international bruhaha Wikileaks . In short, able to carry out scoping out secret messages 251,287 U.S. embassy, \u200b\u200bwhere to find things, while you raise one eyebrow, a sip of coffee spit (do to your computer) or due poživinili.

Freedom of speech is not a joke as one could mention such forces political authorities, who are all desperately struggling against the publication of these messages, as well as the well-known companies that have rocker under pressure. Thus zabredel Amazon, which is a web site withdrew from their servers , saying that does not comply with their conditions of use. I join him PayPal, which has scared support grants for the organization Wikileaks (if nothing else, for legal costs, which they promise founder Julian Assange).

Messages or "cables" are still found on internetih , mainly due to participation of individuals from all over the world. You can read them at the Cable Viewer (if the link does not longer working, you can imagine why). However, if you roll around the house any unix-based server, you can help to mirror site Wikileaks - the goal is to diversify the content so the web that they will not be able to eradicate.

More information can be found in the social web: Facebook page Wikileaks publishes information on developments and how they can participate, can be found on Twitter profile Wikileaks . Official hashtag for publication and discussion on this topic # cablegate , often also be used # Wikileaks .

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

3 Year Old Bday Card Rhyme

shopping centers!

Look at the calendar. Well-know-ber, bemumast.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Best Drugstore Color Corrector

You will not believe ...

... but this key with your HTC's. In the Android Market application, I put their Blogaway . It works very great, represented only by Blogger. Wordpress users, but soon the tears and the tree.

By gromoglasnim WHALE has fallen into the water my excuse that there is no blog because you keep Klatimirim around. At the same time, the average length of posts dramatically reduced. (At this point both my regular readers and Santa shine out of luck.)

Well, enough on you. I'm going to see what all the application settings, can spoil.

Pic but for the test.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Whifield County Arrests

Modrovanja between the eighth and fourth

Okay, between ten and fifteen through eight across the fourth, on a good day. If I was buljenje the screen by virtue of office has withheld from takistega doing in their spare time, which is extremely slow generation of any material other than the virtual dust on temle tukajle blogcu, can indeed be worthy of all respect Graft arrange at least for some brief contribution on that website a collection creative surpluses and delusions.

Oh, yeah, long sentences the writer bring special satisfaction.

Well, there (at šihtu if someone lost between the folds and bends of the earlier syntax) in addition to buljenja the screen doing anything else. For example, We philosophise. Here are a few still quite fresh flower harvested in the fertile soil line agencies and neighboring houses for hosting and related the wonder:

"What will štemarca if fat chi?"
- Thomas and Zen approach to the problem of lack of windows in the office.

"Not me anymore govort, for we all really sad Panda."
- Mojca reveals the animal origins of human kind.

"Most of the time hovering two inches above the ground ..."
- Herr Director help to write your description.

"But ... a mislš that we are, too many adults to ride a pony? "
- Krista, with extremely anxious voice.

(Hang up the phone) - " Now I'll be off to vedu what pays. And if you call once, you dejte men. "
- Mico, velvety voice or support. Also corrosive to steel my nerves to grow.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Self Brazilian Wax Guys Coming!

pumpkin / Pumpkin Strudel


recipe for pumpkin pie in our family oral tradition survives and is nowhere written down, or any other recipe for pie dough layers finished. And as far as the crust - my mother in law knows how to stretch until you say biscuit; and real štrukle me that you fit all the pies in a row. I buy ready made. Not that I can not do - to be honest, I never tried it, I knew how unlikely - but he hates me. Horrible hates me. That I found in another part of the world, which is not heavily Turkish immigrants, finished crust we would not be readily available, so I had to. Thus, I have three Turkish shops nearby, can I choose what I like crust and real pies whenever I can.

But to get back to the story of why the recipes are not written. All this is true of the eye, it was only gets a hit ratio of crust and filling. Pie with apples, you need to 2:1, 3:1 for the pumpkin. And if you like sweeter, put more sugar, wrap, bake, do not need the special wit, nor is my question now was something special and delicious that it deserves to be found on the blog. The catch is that the pumpkin today very few real, and there's nothing quite like autumn sweets. Maybe the people that taste too old-fashioned, too intense, I do not know. In Germany, not even heard of cookies with pumpkin: they made squash and vegetables from her pottage.

for pumpkin you - logically - need pumpkins. It largest orange pumpkin that is sold in chunks at the market. That is, the our markets. In Germany, do not eat pumpkin, but used as decorations for Halloween. Although this time of year in every supermarket you can buy a pumpkin, in addition to this item is always an inscription noting that pumpkins are not for eating but for decoration only. What they are doing, whether they are fed with some radioactive fertilizer, no idea, yet, should not be eaten.

Looking for a replacement so I resorted to. Butternut squash , favorite dish Jamie Oliver. Unlike in the regions much more popular Hokkaido pumpkin, butternut is drier and the flavor is closer to the pumpkin. It's not just the right thing, buneva is still aromatic, but I know how to cope.

You will need:

  • 500 g thin crust
  • 1500 g grated pumpkin
  • sugar
  • aroma of vanilla icing sugar for sprinkling
  • butter or oil

If you live far away from the Balkans , so you're not sure which to buy the crust, look at Turkish actions that give you bark for baklava, but the description is certainly not a mistake. Otherwise, this question can not be made with a thick dough layers, I tried and the result was disastrous.


Peel and grate the pumpkin that is. gourd. It's easy to say. However, in practice, this simple guide is such a nightmare that I was yesterday, when I was peeling off and Randall, suddenly remembered why pumpkin is not real often. Pumpkin is hard povrćka. After half an hour (for peeling and cutting up a kilo and the pumpkin will take longer) and the strongest female hand at the end of power. Especially if after the peel should be manually renda. Save yourself the torture and miss the pumpkin chunks to the Food Processor or you will spend another hour in the kitchen and morning wake up with sore muscles all the arms and shoulders.

Before you begin to bend pie, turn oven to 170 degrees and count how many corps is in the package and how much strudel can you fit in the pan. Pan, of course, pan-bak paper and grease the paper a little butter. Me care about five rolls, each roll and went on two sheets. Suppose you and your scale is similar. You also need to "spice up" vanilla filling, I put the entire amount of low doses of two flavors of vanilla and all the thorough mixing.

Extract the two sheets, place them one over the other on the desktop. On the edge of a wide arrange of pumpkin filling as the picture and then sprinkle with sugar. As I said, you depend on how much sugar to put, I love apple pie sour, a sweeter pumpkin and put at least 5-6 tablespoons of sugar into each cake. Over all, it pours a little oil or butter on the paper - I put the oil. Bark Urola and strudels to each other, sorted by length in the pan.


When you're all sorted, brush pita with oil, sprinkle a little water and bake for about an hour. First half hour I recommend that you ask is covered aluminum foil to prevent burnt before the pumpkins arrive to thicken. When done, sprinkle the powder sugar.

What I changed: In addition to types of pumpkins, nothing. Stuffing can be prepared the day before - unlike apples, pumpkins do not change color.

Verdict: In our house often eat pumpkin au naturel, but baked in the oven, with no extras. Maybe this is the most beautiful and most delicious kind of enjoying the sweet vegetables. Because of this pumpkin should be just a variation on the same theme - lots of roasted pumpkin with a discreet escort test, hence the scale of 3:1. Slice of pumpkin with a cup of tea and a cold wind whistling on the other side of the window creates a perfect autumn idyll, bilo bi šteta da je propustite.


Pumpkin Strudel

Don't miss out on pumpkin season! Here's a very traditional strudel from my homeland and it should be made with a real pumpkin, if you can get hold of one. If not, use the butternut squash instead. You will also need phyllo pastry. Now, there are various recipes for making your own phyllo, but believe me, it takes a certain skill to have it done properly, and if you ask me, it's not really worth the bother - the phyllo you can get at a local Balkan shop, be it Turkish or Greek is more than satisfactory for this recipe. Just be careful that the pastry you buy is the thin phyllo pastry, as the thicker one won't do. If you're not sure, tell the shop assistant you need the phyllo pastry for baklava.

  • 500 g phyllo pastry
  • 1,5 kg peeled and grated pumpkin
  • 2 vials vanilla essence
  • sugar
  • sunflower oil
  • icing sugar

Peel and grate the pumpkin. Use a food processor for grating, otherwise you'll spend an extra hour in the kitchen and that you can do without. Count the phyllo pastry layers and see how many strudels can fit into your oven form. In my case it was five strudels and I used two sheets of pastry for each strudel.

Pre-heat the oven to 170° C. Mix grated pumpkin and vanilla essence. Spread the filling along the shorter side of the phyllo sheet, add sugar on top (5-6 tablespoonfuls pro strudel or more, it's a matter of taste; but be careful - pumpkin is quite sweet already!) and sprinkle it with some oil. Roll into strudel and place in greaseproof-lined oven form. After you've made your strudels (don't hesitate to squeeze them in a bit, this won't harm the quality) sprinkle them with oil and water on top. Bake for an hour. If the strudels are browning too quickly, cover the form with aluminium foil.

When done, dust with icing sugar and eat warm or cold - both are delicious!