Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Skin Repair For Burn Victims

/ Vanillekipferl

vanillekipferl 1hf

Last year my friend Sonja Vanillekipferl made for Christmas. This cookie is the most traditional German Plätzchen, almost all of it real and love, and it is a miracle that I lived the (by then) nine years in this country, and that I have not tried. And when I tried ... I was so thrilled that I brought with me a recipe with me to Belgrade, and it rules relatives there and they all fainted. It is interesting that almost every one of them tried these rolls before, but that is rarely made and that can be said that the poluzaboravljene, and thus was more enthusiastic.

Christmas came again, and I remember everything, and resolve that this year they definitely make, and healthy start to annoy you this is not your grandma's recipe from notebooks and you can not look it "oblogujem. Looking for the following corresponding recipe, in the oldest part of the notebook the other day I find this:

vanillekipferl rukopis

You can not imagine my happiness when I realized that the recipe is almost the same as Sonja and are, in fact - Vanillekipferl! I immediately rolled up his sleeves and umesila them. Turned out to be the divine and I have to mark them as an extra recommendation gem from grandma's notebook for which I had no idea that there is, and turned out beyond all expectations. In this respect, I introduce the category of "Hall of Fame" for recipes that deserves extraordinary praise - I retrograde sash awarded just Koh lemon and Reform cake.

To be clear: Vanillekipferl the "Überkeks, by far the best I've ever made in this genre. Yes, better even than the famous vanilica to delight our bloggers community. Remember how the Una loved and vanilla and gingerbread? Well, when I served these rolls, ate suddenly and violently protested the five when I pulled her bowl the hand (yes, yes, evil mother, I wanted only to prevent subsequent laments that "pain tiba").

vanillekipferl 4

ready, away we go ...

  • 200 g butter
  • 70 g sugar 1 egg
  • 150 g ground almonds
  • 280 g flour
  • 5 sachets vanilla sugar
  • as much icing sugar

foam is umut butter and sugar, add egg, and when all is well united, almonds. Then gradually add the flour until the not interfere nice crisp batter. The dough is left in the fridge for an hour - two to solidify a bit, and from him the right hand rolls (my method: break off a little dough ball between your hands forming a diameter of 2 cm, and is also among the palms add layers of small stones and then bend down to is a half-moon) and sorted on a baking sheet placed bakpapirom.

fired at 170 degrees petnestak minutes, until slightly does not change color, but should not be darkened (see photo).

vanillekipferl 3

mixed the vanilla sugar with powder sugar, preferably in a plastic box with a lid. In it lay still hot rolls, and the box cover and carefully turn it upside down. This sugar evenly on all the rolls, you do not have to be rolling one by one. When he finally turned to the other side, open up until the rolls have cooled down completely.

What have I changed? I added an egg (the original recipe does not provide it) because I was scared that I would be without it rolls too crisp and brittle. Because the egg, I added and 50 g almonds more, but I added to flour. This scale is great and I would not changed them right back. In addition, I used blanched almonds, as the recipe requires, but Sonja's Vanillekipferl were made from ground neljuštenih almonds and equally delicious.

Judgement: A little difficult for me to explain exactly why these rolls (or horns) just so special. Perhaps due to a discrete flavors - Almond is mild, but it feels just vanilla. Since there is no jam, honey, nuts or some other dominant flavors, it is important to put a large amount of vanilla sugar and the taste and smell of vanilla dominate. This is enough to be interesting biscuits. However, beware that folks are not sBug List as soon as you leave the kitchen. I suggest that you keep them locked up!

vanillekipferl 2


An undying classic of the German Plätzchen tradition, Vanillekipferl are extremely popular in this part of the world, and not without reason. It is the finest, most delicate home-made biscuit I've ever tasted. Imagine my joy when I found a Vanillekipferl recipe in my grandmother's notebook! And a bloody good one it is too - so pull up your sleeves and get baking, you won't regret it. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most sensational recipes I've tested so far and it deserves an extra special recommendation. I've experienced this kind of joy only with the Lemon Soufflé recipe last summer and the famous Reform Torte so they will be included in the Zaboravljene Poslastice Hall of Fame (an institution I've just established).

You'll need
  • 200 g butter
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g ground almonds (the recipe says bleached, but they don't have to be)
  • 280 g flour
  • 5 sachets vanilla sugar
  • the same amount of icing sugar

Mix softened butter with sugar. Add the egg, mix some more, add the almonds. Keep gradually adding the flour until you get a nice dough that doesn't stick too much. Leave in fridge for at least an hour (preferably two). Shape little half-moons with your hands and put them on a baking tray covered with greaseproof paper. Bake at 170 degrees C until they start changing colour (still, they shouldn't be too dark - see photo).

Mix the icing and vanilla sugar in a plastic Tupperware box with a lid. Put your warm Vanillekipferl in it, close the lid and turn the box upside-down. The Kipferl will tumble and get coated in sugar mixture from all sides. Turn it back, open and leave to cool off completely. Remember to have some while they're still warm, you'll be pleasantly surprised. And that's the understatement of the year!


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