view from the inside
Letter disappointed by the Democratic Party and the state party chairman
Tadic, when you go and cows will return to us
We live in an unhappy country, where more people live in poverty and living on the edge of possibilities, no chances to find a job, the young without being able to form a family, a professional with a desire to this country as soon leave. I wonder if it is possible that, after the disabled and neobaveštenog Kostunica, our party headed by you has been in operation incapacitated and corrupt
I am a member of the Democratic Party and one of those who entered the party with the desire to one day in Serbia to create a new society, more modern, richer in which people will be employed in which the power of work and wages to live normally. I hoped that after ten years of suffering, war in the region and in Kosovo, to enter into a quieter period of stable life. I looked at her party as the one that will bring good and honest people in leading positions, which will make progress this country. "Emokratija was the basis of the electoral system and work within the party, so I thought that the moment when the party is in power, so look and Serbian land. And what we have experienced?
're gathered around himself a former rockers as advisors, it is certainly due to complex vučeš the youth, because they're admired as a well-known guys from your neighborhood. "Ok you did not become president" with the party they never have entered, let alone be its members. And now in charge! Without the amine can not do anything to be done. Thanks to your tamburaši Saper, Tijanic is still the head of television. And you know that the media was prepared Djindjic's assassination. Next to you does not have any old Democrat who was in Zoran's environment, all you disperse them! And I remember what I all Djindjic said in your defense, when he wanted and tend to the party, because you are annoyed by its inability. It seemed to me that you are a cultured, educated and a guy from a respectable family. Unfortunately, now I know that I was terribly wrong! You're vain, insatiable power and egocentric man. A reputation of your father, "the philosopher of democratic orientation," which he associated with the opposition, only spoiled by an understanding - he worked for the basket, and spent time with the opposition! Are the files because many opposition precisely written? Is your success on the political scene, pushed by these agencies? Who are you, Boris Tadic, Serbian alive today if miserable as under Milosevic, just as war does, and you're the president of the Democratic Party and the Serbian miserable? You lie this nation the entry of Serbia into Europe, because thou them fake films that dream false dreams, and know well that there will not accommodate us.
what you made at least one right thing that this nation is better. You promised 500,000 new jobs and 250,000 people lost their jobs.
not dream
we experienced that the government led by your DS is not giving money to universities for basic needs and their debts because they threaten to iseki electricity, eliminate heat, trash left at the door. But because non-governmental organizations pay regularly, without delay. University's future, and NGOs grobari Serbia. Doživesmo and that Serbia has no milk, or do you think of us and not need milk, and children are already born in Serbia. So no more Milosevic to swear and spit you no milk, he slaughtered cows to feed an army and wage wars. And you? Perhaps those of our cows are not enough quality for entry into Europe, and when there will enter all new and quality that herds.
Remember, to be president of Serbia, you have to love this nation, such as Polish or Czech or Slovak President likes her. That he stvoriš little bit better conditions to live! If you do not know who to be you see, imitate what is your coalition partner of the Palm. Did he used to be a criminal and war profiteer, but is still higher patriot than you. Cares about his people in Jagodina. How cares? So if you are worried about the people in Serbia, and on about her in Jagodina, where would we end it was! It stimulates the birth of your community, and you never heard about it if you talk, the way the press, at least pretend that you are well learned. Do you read newspapers? Do you know that every week, find someone who died of hunger and poverty. In your "European Serbia", says your friend Tijanic.
I could not dream that I dream that my DS, that is, its top people to become such thieves. You started with the premises in Belgrade, you gave them to lease for 99 years, during which the new tenants had on hand to give you 10,000 to 100,000 euros. So you raskrčmili thousands of stores! They told you that the money for the party, but in fact you have 90 percent put in their pockets. You sold the land in Belgrade, putting millions of euros in their pockets. And the lopovluci in public companies. If I ever change my party, will change for those who pass a law to abolish those who gave money, and blame those who sought him. E then people will see what the truth will come to the surface, you will be hard to hide!
nineties when I went into the villages agitujući for "Party and a better future for Serbia," the whole time we were suspicious eyes followed the peasants. And so I have often heard that "you are all the same," and I was offended as a man. I thought: is it possible for us these villagers see eye to eye as people of the Milosevic regime. Well we are honest, progressive, this people want well. What about today? Today when I see you in power and I say: "You are all the same!" And it's amazing how these farmers is always right!
When a by turns the best
When you gave birth Jeremic, Minister of Foreign Affairs, I said, "Well this is not normal, where children are placed in such places." I am with its 48 years too young to become the first man of diplomacy, and this sets the kid with less than 30 years. And boasts that he is the youngest minister in the world of diplomacy. There's a saying that "which boasts a fool, it is smart ashamed." I have been in the party among those who criticized this decision, but my friends were convinced that no waves, it will run normally only be "Tadic's pigeon," but when you tried to propose to the Prime Minister I wanted from their own skin to jump out.
Then it became clear to us what the government will be, when you suggesting the prime minister who does not have a year of work experience. Fortunately we have and stop, because these for such a "clever" turn back the proposal and godparents and close associates. But I see that your vanity is, magnified and exaltest with small, apparently, great achievements in diplomacy and hatred of the West for him because he surpassed them in diplomatic moves. As, a small Russian man, and the Americans insist that it refuge. So when you are fucking? He is not studied at Lomonosov already at Yale. You know who it is imposed to be what it is. So it now extol the eyes of the people. From all evil among your ministers, it turns out best.
And finally, to ask all true democrats, who were Tadic, as well as me, made fools of us, creating the illusion that together we create a new society and a better future for Serbia, to fight for their ideals and to openly spat on this shame that he incurred the democratic party. It's hard to be a dozen newspapers, which I will send this letter, one or two to publish it. And the question is how many people will have a chance to read it. So it, please send by email to as many addresses, not to learn what I do, that is. do you think of Tadic, but it washed away the filth from his face, because we are those who today are seen as members of the Democratic Party. Make your children smart use of internet and meet as many people with the contents of this letter and what made Democrats think of today's "emokratskoj party led by Tadic.
I wanted this letter to sign his own name, but my wife swore that I should not do for her and our two daughters. "You know that the Avengers, I suffered enough because of your Democratic Party during the Milosevic era, I do not have today and your Democrats. When you're foolish idealist, but I do not suffer the children that we navlačiš misery will never hire."
I had to give up. So me, please, excuse me!
Identification Number: 85419B
evidence on which will be identified as the author)
's all in your direction
I believed in you, and I was able to anyone who says bad about you - your eyes dig . And then my first time on election Assembly, we elected Vice Party, collapsed. You forced us to enter in the room to vote for "controlling us, which we rounded up, and then insert the ballot papers. It seemed to me that I would die of shame, I have before me. You gave us a list of people that we have to end up with more control over me if I am obedient. Like today I remember that day! When I came home, pressure was 180, and when I said what I was home after ten years in the party had, my wife was crying. She asked me: "Do you know for that Tadic?" expecting that I would say that certainly does not! I told her: "Of course I know, he was director of it all. Director of the new democracy in the Democratic party. "
What tomorrow, man
justify the global crisis, You're the world's man, and the crisis the most impact you. And the crisis will not hit the Poles and Czechs, Slovaks, and on the Chinese to and not talk? Because you do not know or not to do anything good, or you came just to steal what was left of the NIS, Telekom, JAT, Galenika ... Hey, shame and shame! with me in the village, in western Serbia, the farmer who sells the best field they say: "Or is a gambler or a drunkard." What are you, my former friend? You're timed sale of Telecom in an election year. To divide poor pension, paid the debts as a state that you have made to companies in Serbia, to spend money for later? You want to stvoriš picture of a better life to the people of Serbia, and sell them the best field.
What will tomorrow their children to live - when they sell you all!
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