Sunday, May 8, 2011

Slat Measurements For A Queen Size Bed

Padobranci / Sweet Wreaths

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It is only me: right cake without cause, and anniversary cakes just for you still can not decide whether a cookie or cake. Venčić I dug in some of the pieces of paper that are inserted in a notebook with grandma's recipes. These pieces of paper are as many recipes and entries in a notebook. Written on the back of the envelope, leaves from the notebook, on anything that was found at hand. My favorite is the recipe written on the invitation to a party meeting in 1966. and one from the back of a prescription for the drug Bactrim to my brother Luke, when the this was two years (the medicine they gave me for every little thing when I was little, so after retiring from the market. Hm, I wonder why ...).

Only, sitting yesterday and I want to make something that will quickly and Una want to eat, and since I know that she loves cookies, decide on the corolla. The recipe assumes that you have a mold that you can remove the cookies in the shape of wreaths, and since I did not have, decide that the test itself Ispleti corolla. And so it was. More or less.

I will first to copy a recipe, then that odfilozofiram its about what I changed, what is not supposed to change, what might need to change, and maybe not, and what is the end of it all turned out ...

  • 500 g flour
  • 250g butter 2 eggs
  • tablespoon sugar
  • cup milk
  • little leaven
  • sugar for sprinkling

vencici rukopis

Yeast (this "little" in my case was the fourth of dice) is dissolved in lukewarm milk, and become involved with all other dough ingredients (ie, only the yolk, egg white for brushing), except sugar for sprinkling. Roll out the dough is now rolling pin, removed the forms mold for the cookies and sorted on bakpapir. Coated in egg white, sprinkle with sugar and bake at 170 degrees for 20 minutes, until golden brown.

What have I changed? When I read the recipe, I thought that of all the cookies turn out. Shortcrust pastry. But what "spoiled" crispness of this test the milk with yeast, as much as it was. Moreover, the whole cup of milk is so much to this amount of butter and flour, to be that it was a mistake and that was supposed to write cup ie. 100-120 ml. Fortunately, I'm adding the milk gradually over the bowl and soon it became clear that the dough becomes very soft and would not be able to shape it if you really take the whole amount of milk. In that sense, I put half and got dough is stretched and sticks to your hands. However, due to the large proportion of fat, not long remain attached to the fingers and with a little flour it is still possible to format. In fact, the dough ingredients are very similar to dough presburške rolls, and even a little bit softer.

However, it was hard and crisp pastry as plastelinasto of which can be made any sculptures, so I decided at the last moment that the corolla does not make a right braid three strips, but only two. Thinner strips would be too soft and fragile and out of nothing could be paid.

However, let's go back to the ingredients. It seemed to me that, with the exception of butter, this cake will not have any flavor. Also I thought it was a spoonful of sugar in the dough is too small, no matter how it sprinkle sugar on the end. In this sense, the dough I added grated rind and juice of one lemon and soup spoon of vanilla sugar , and the amount of sugar I have increased from one to five tablespoons .

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A few words about weaving wreaths. First roll the dough between your hands to get the form a little thicker stones, and it then on floured surface to thickness fingers rastanjite earthworms. Make sure that the "worms" be in touch with a little flour, just enough to not sticking to the surface. If it is too much, you will not be able to rastanjite and Lomic up. Then with the fingers of both hands at the same time rastanjite and stretch out the dough by moving it vibrate at the same time spread the fingers, and it is to be stretched in width, and collect the thickness. Each strip should be about 20 cm long. Once you have woven a braid, just gather the ends of the wreath form and press the point where.

for sprinkling granulated sugar instead I used a large, "city" sugar (Hagelzucker) and it was delicious and very nice. Coarse sugar is, as opposed to big salt, soft and melts in your mouth.

verdict: I'm not sure that the supplements tested were good ideas. First, it too feels lemon, I do not like it. To choose a different flavor. For example, cinnamon. It seems to me to dream dreams were venčići with cinnamon. Or a little cinnamon, a little muscat oraščeta, a little cardamom or allspice, he came to a mixture quatre épices , if I am not mistaken.

Good thing I increased the amount of sugar, because the dough rolls presburške was not enough sweet. However, this type of test is too dry to be able to function independently. Venčići are boring if you eat without the jam, and completely perfect when combined with something acidic, such as my jam cepanih Plum (was it the last jar). Or say with some spread such as the lemon curd .

Nevertheless, they are so beautiful that they are small faults can be forgiven. If you have a better idea how to "get rich", go ahead, this was my attempt.

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Sweet Wreaths

Wreath-shaped cookies, very similar to the dough used for Pressburger Crescents . The main difference is, this dough is slightly softer and has no filling. In order to really enjoy it, you have to eat them with a sour jam or lemon curd. The recipe suggests you use a cookie form to take out shapes, while I decided to plait the pastry into actual wreaths.

The article written above in Serbian deals with the changes I made in the original recipe, what I would have done differently and what the cookies lack even when improved. I will here post the recipe of the cookies as I made them, changes included.

  • 500 g all-purpose flour
  • 250 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 120 ml milk
  • 1/4 cube fresh yeast (c. 10 g)
  • 5 Tbsp sugar
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla sugar
  • zest and juice of 1 lemon
  • coarse sugar for decoration

Warm the milk until tepid and mix with yeast and one tablespoonful of sugar. Separate the eggs and put the egg whites back in the fridge. Knead flour, butter, egg-yolks, the sugars, the lemon zest and juice and the yeasty milk into a sticky dough.

Pre-heat the oven to 170 degrees C and line a shallow form with greaseproof paper. If you want to plait your dough like I did, take smaller chunks of dough and roll them between your palms to get worm-like shapes. Sprinkle them with flour and roll with all ten fingers spread wide to stretch them thin. Pay attention that the surface isn't too floury or the shapes will break. See photos to get an idea of how I plaited the dough once the "threads" were made. Each "thread" was about 20 cm long.

Once you're done, glaze the wreaths with egg white and sprinkle coarse sugar on top. Bake for about 20 minutes, until golden.

P.S. You might want to flavour your dough differently. This affair was too lemony for my taste, I imagine they would taste significantly better with cinnamon instead.


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